Friday, June 8, 2012

STARGAZING 2012 at the South Park Wave Pool... CANCELLED

ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED FOR:  Friday, JULY 20th, 20129-PM to midnight 
at the South Park WAVE POOL PARKING LOT...
(2012) CANCELLED - due to outlook of continuous overcast and rain into Saturday

(( previously posted info:

Our annual STARGAZING program for the South Park Nature program...
Eric Canali's been doing this program for South Park since the mid 1980's and in recent years Erik and Tony have become indispensable additions to to the event.

We'll have a number of different types of telescopes and, weather permitting, we'll be looking at Saturn,and Mars and a host of star clusters and nebulae as well as lots of first-hand instruction on learning your way around the sky including how the sky "works" and which constellations are up and where to look.

Those of you who need help are welcome to bring your own scopes and we'll help you with learning how to setup and use them too.


DVD and soundtrack NOW AVAILABLE - click HERE for options...
The Forgotten Giants of Allegheny Observatory...
website & trailer: